[RG1] Noctuary, Retribution Paladin

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Character name: Noctuary

[RG1] Noctuary, Retribution Paladin

Post by Noctuary » 02 Feb 2017, 12:03

Who is your character?
Noctuary // Paladin // Retribution // http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... y/advanced

Who are you?
My name is Matt, 25 years old, I come from Poland. Working in corporate, as an Expansion Manager of a big retail company.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying specifically for RG1, I miss a more focused approach on raiding, being a hardcore player at heart PUGs and casual groups just don't cut it for me anymore.

This is going to be a long one so bare with me. I'm on my third WoW account so this is not documented on battle.net sadly. I've started raiding in AQ20 on my holy paladin on US Aerie-Peak. After a while I moved back to Europe so I had to start over, this time on my Human Priest (Holy) - Cleared all raid tiers starting from beginning of TBC, owned the shadow resist set for Mother Shahraz (Good times), we even managed to bring KJ down before 3.0 hit live. I switched to shadow at the beginning of Wrath and raided up until the end of Ulduar, downing Yogg with 2 watchers up (25man). My biggest achievement from that time was getting the Undying title from Naxx (It was the 10 man version, still immensely fun). I've decided to quit before ICC to focus on Uni, but it only took me a year to get pulled back in. I started over again, this time more casually on my Dwarf Priest, until I met Kyrenisah at which point I've started raiding again (that was a couple months after Dragon Soul came out). I've raided with the guild until the end of ToT at which point I had to take another break. From then on I've hear the familiar call to get back (You know the feeling), but I was discouraged by the poor reception of WoD, so I did not come back. Finally, Legion broke me and I've decided to get back to my roots and pick up Paladin again. Ended up playing Retribution because I get very competitive and I love min maxing to squeeze out every single drop of dps out of my characters.

Raid Role
Currently I raid regularly with a pretty casual guild from Terenas which I've made contact with through PuG runs. I play DPS, with occasional input into tactics, especially since NH came out. Due to the raiding being CR, I buy my own flasks, potions, tomes, enchantments etc. I don't skimp on consumables, since I want to play to my best, and they are necessary tools. I am very invested in the Retribution spec, constantly browsing the forums, warcraftlogs and looking up videos to see if I can find different solutions and perfect my rotation. I also use simcraft extensively (i.e. I sim every single upgrade), as i have limited trust in ready-made guides which I mostly treat as inspiration.

Your Spec
Having started somewhat late in Legion (about two months late) I had to work hard to catch up. I've managed to hit 35 traits on my Ashbringer. For my rotation, I could write a short guide for Ret dps, but don't really see a point to it. I prepot before every pull, combine Draught with 15xCrusade without clipping Old War, use my spenders in a way that utilizes my legendary cloak. I adjust the talents for each boss.[Tier1] I use Final Verdict, because it's always the best choice with my legendary cloak and the 2pc from NH for both ST and MT. [Tier2] Most fights I pick FoJ, however on Botanist Zeal works a lot better with 3 targets consistently clumped together and Greater Judgment has some fringe uses like Skorpyron where I can abuse the fact you see fresh sets of adds utlizing the guaranteed crit. [Tier3] I run Fist of Justice for the general utility, will swap to Blinding Light on fights wherever I can find a use for it, though it is rare. [Tier4] Is the most interesting for Rets, for pure ST like trilliax I will take Blade of Wrath, since the HP generation trumps bonus damage from Vitue's Blade. If the fight is somewhat add heavy Divine Hammer wins out. [Tier5] I run Eye for an Eye because I find the on-demand 35% dmg reduction extremely powerful in all situations. [Tier6] It's a tossup between DI and Cavalier. Usually I will take DI unless I am 100% comfortable with a fight and know I can rely on healers, at which point I switch to Cavalier for the extra mobility. [Tier7] Despite the recent nerf, Crusade is still the spec defining talent and I will use it in all situations.

Regarding gear and stat priority - as I mentioned I sim every single upgrade at this point and adjust gems/enchants accordingly. I don't believe in stat priorities that are set in stone, because everything changes on a case-by-case basis.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I could switch specs, since I've healed for numerous tiers, however I have yet to focus on my offspecs on Noctuary so at this point in time it would not be an optimal solution. I have a couple alts at 110, but none are quite ready for Mythic raiding.

I have no issues with using voice-comms and I think every member of a core raid team should provide and be encouraged to provide input into strategy and tactics. A guild is a community in which everyone should take part.

Combat Logs
I don't have many logs, as I am not in the habit of logging fights since I got back in Legion. I did log the last night's raid and I will log more during this week. I absolutely have nothing against reviewing logs, just got out of habit.

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/7J ... Wq#fight=9

Your UI

I am VERY big on weak auras, all of the ones shown are custom made with global cooldown display and special triggers. I just get pleasure from making them and always find something new to tweak in my builds.

For keybindings I've always used EQFRCVX with shift/control modifiers as well as 123456 with a shift modifier.

I put all BW warnings in the middle of my screen, and the bars to the left of the WA so I can see what's going on around my character as well as following my rotation and boss abilities without wandering around the screen too much.

I am not a fan of putting unit frames at the bottom of the screen, because they take a lot of space, and KuI Nameplates does the job of showing enemy health for me. For my own health I have sound warnings if I get below specific thresholds so I don't constantly look at the corner of the screen.

Guild History
I've played with Fires of Dune on Burning Legion for TBC/Wrath, and Vanity on Defias for Cata/MoP.

Raid availability
Generally I can make all raids as far as I know. I leave the office at 5 on weekdays and am free to do whatever I please with my time. I live with my girlfriend, but thankfully she is very understanding of my raid nights :). I might have occasional business meetings to attend in the evening, but I can schedule them around raid nights.

As always, the trusty goat - Kyrenisah let me know that you had open spots.

About you
As I said previously, office job, 2 cats, 1 girlfriend (more than enough).

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Re: [RG1] Noctuary, Retribution Paladin

Post by Bowick » 02 Feb 2017, 12:40

Thank you for the application, looks great. Give us a little time to review and we'll get back to you very quickly. :)
Thank you!
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [RG1] Noctuary, Retribution Paladin

Post by Bowick » 02 Feb 2017, 18:37

Hey, haven't been able to catch you online for a chat.
Could you add my btag? :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [RG1] Noctuary, Retribution Paladin

Post by Bowick » 03 Feb 2017, 17:54

<Accepted for trial!>
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [RG1] Noctuary, Retribution Paladin

Post by Bowick » 28 Feb 2017, 23:34

Trial passed, congrats! :D
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai
