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Raid Group 2 Apply: Sherelia

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 21:50
by Sherelia
Who is your character?
Sherelia, level 110 warrior (i'm already in the guild) Kinky Gnome and main specced Fury Warrior. ... lia/simple

*For my alt (perhaps future raider, main during WoD): ... ana/simple

Who are you?
My name's Arne, i'm 22 years old and i'm from The Netherlands.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Raid group 2


I've been playing the game for about 12 years with on and offs over the years. During Vanilla/TBC i didn't do any serious raiding with a team.

In WoTLk i did all the raids casually with my guild at the time on my warrior aswell (except ruby sanctum)
In cataclysm i raided activly from Firelands -> Dragon Soul.
In Pandaria i had my biggest break and focussed early on PvP and didn't do any progression raids at all.
Warlords of Dreanor i did Highmaul/BRF Nrml/Heroic/Mythic [current content style progression](Highmaul 6/7 Mythic
Blackrock Foundary 10/10HC, 4/10 Mythic), i had a break around start of Hellfire Citadel and came back at the end of Warlords of Dreanor prepping for Legion and realm transferring to my old raid bud (Vimali, and thus joining raven council - Now. (*PS my warlock was my main during Warlords of Dreanor, but i still got raiding expierence. I did play my warrior in raids but more as an alt in alt runs =).

Raid Role
I play a dps warrior, so i make sure the boss and incase there are mobs, they die if need to. As a warrior i can give you a sustained amount of DPS through a fight, furthermore can i help with the raid's survivability with my Commanding Shout, slows for mobs that can be kited, and quick switches in the fight due to high Mobility (Charges/Heroic Leaps). Warriors currently have strong aoe damage, and average single target damage. I have expierence as a leader and am thus not afraid to speak up if i got something for a tactic that might come in handy and also make sure to speak up right away rather than wait too long, but ofcourse i know when to be shush. *when for example i gave an idea for the Odyn fight when i joined ya last week.

Your Spec
I love arms, i love fury, i love protection. Warrior has always been my favorite class so i know my class inside out and try to get opinions of other warriors about warrior related stuff but also read up on forums and other websites about my class, if not i cba and am lazy and drink wine =) Lets look at my current Fury spec!

Artifact power level 28: Research 15 and ongoing.
Tier 1: Endless Rage>War Machine.
Endless rage just gives you a nice sustain on rage, which any warrior needs to keep spamming their abillities and get the high needed rampage going asap/amap it's also great for execute spamming. I do sometimes switch to War machine when theres alot of mobs involved in fights. Because after killing a target it gives me 30% Haste (Our main stat) and 30% movementspeed which is always nice in mobility needed fights. I mainly stay Endless Rage.

Tier 2: Double charge, is always my main choice. Good strong mobility - more rage. Storm bolt is not very usefull in raids imo, Shockwave can be good so incase we need aoe stuns for hard hitting stunnable mobs or w/e i switch.

Tier 3
: Avatar-> Wrecking ball.
Let me quikcly start with why not Outburst (enrage on Berserker rage), if you do your rotation well as a fury warrior you are barely out of enrages so to give up Avatar (Burst, or WB strong aoe) for a 1 min cooldown extra enrage, is not worth it. I mainly choose Avatar as i like the 20% dmg increase for 20 seconds on a relativly low cooldown. Again if the fight is a bit more AOE /mobs focussed i would go wrecking ball which increases that AOE damage potential.

Tier 4: Bounding stride (reduced CD on heroic leap/70%movespeed increase after use for 3 sec)
Mobility - dodge poo. Others would decrease my damage taken during enrage and others increases my self healing by just a little bit. Which make it probably nice for a healer but i dont think its worth it compared to the more often instant escapes i can have and thus allowing me that extra seconds to dps where other people have to start running.

Tier 5: Massacre
I just love the Execute/Rampage spam in executing phase which give me a huge damage boost. When would i not use it and go for 15 less rage cost on rampage. If fights don't allow me to spam executes. Like Odyn in ToV.

Tier 6: Inner Rage. Raging blow cost reduced to zero. nothing else is better for any situation at the moment.

Tier 7:
Dragon Roar: Strong single target (100k, but also in AOE more x 100k) instant spell. Which increases my damage i deal by 20% again for 6 seconds. Which can be great combining it in my burst. It has a relativly low cooldown (25 seconds) so i use it whenever availible. giving me 2 x 20% Increased damage every 1 min ( excluding my other burst abillities/power ups). Bladestorm is an option for more AOE orientated fights, it gives a very strong aoe burst, i would never use Reckless abondon (gain 100 rage during battle cry), it's just not worth gaining just 100 rage for what you could gain out of Dragon Roar/Bladestorm.

My rotation is mainly spamming abillities, i can't tell you it by exact as it's mostly on feeling. but for an average Idea:
Charge - Raging Blow, Bloodthirst, Furious Blow, Burst (Dragon Roar, Battle Cry, Avatar (if i want a pot), + odyn's fury) into a Bloodthirst/raging blow/ Rampage. I continue my rotation with just this mainly. Here and there i throw a Whirlwind incase theres more mobs around me instead of Furious blow

Off-specs and Alternative charactersw.
I can play arms and protection as mentioned above, they have lower Artifact power / not alot of gear. But i would not mind switching, but i like playing DPS warrior the most.

I'm currently leveling my Warlock (main in WoD, Thíriana) as my alt, and would be willing to raid with him aswell. But by the time he is well geared and 110 it's a few months later perhaps. I mainly play my warrior as i dont have much free time.

I have a microphone and i always love chatting people up =) I'm very social orientated.

Combat Logs

I don't currently log

Your UI

I have my TMW/Shadowed unit frames all unlocked, so you can see where they are in Raids. THE TMW long line of abillities is not as long during combat DONT WORRY.

Guild History
So i came back from a 5-6 month break but before my break i spend a little time in Proto (Horde Aerie Peak) and before that was Heretic on Nagrand but this time Alliance. In Heretic i spend most of my Pandaria/WoD time being on the main raiding team and having a great time. They decided to swap the guild to another server when thing's didn't go quite well anymore on Nagrand, and i was not ready to move servers at that point so i was forced to leave - that's when i moved to my horde character and went into Proto and then came my break.

-COPIED from my Original Social APPLY-

Raid availability

Every evening is fine with me especially wednesday/monday are good for me, i live on myself so i don't need to worry about a parent or misses. Incase any complication would come up which happens sometimes with anyone, i'd make sure to mention it asap to the raid leader.

[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?]
Vimali, Jimmble, Thíriana, Me, Dionys, Fahranya.

About you
If you don't know me by now, i'm very social! I love telling you about myself. I'm a very fanatic Wildlife Conservationist, i worked with Tigers and study wildlife currently! I'm barely serious, i love joking around but in my own way which can be weird. I have no shame uhh karo smells like poo. During raids i'm a serious person(unlike outside raids). I sure don't mind having a laugh inbetween fights during trash etc. I prefer to have people get to know me and ask me stuff so please do =)

Re: Raid Group 2 Apply: Sherelia

Posted: 17 Nov 2016, 14:14
by Xanthi
Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.

Re: Raid Group 2 Apply: Sherelia

Posted: 23 Nov 2016, 17:20
by Xanthi
Trial initiated