[R1] Perelin, Restoration Shaman

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Posts: 1
Character name: Perelin

[R1] Perelin, Restoration Shaman

Post by Perelin » 25 Aug 2016, 21:06

Who is your character?
Perelin , Shaman, Restoration http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... lin/simple

Who are you?
Anna, 35, i am swedish and german, i live in the very north of germany (when i fall out my door with streched arms i am in denmark) ofc i am near the coast, as i cannot live without the sea.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?


I started raiding in Wrath, i do not really know exactly how much we did,
I started with a main hunter, we killed Yogg normal when TOC was already out, but we were casual and it was pretty cool for us.
TOC: i don´t remeber at all, i am sure we cleared normal. Maybe i did some HC i really do not know.
ICC:12/12 normal, 7/12 HC.
BD, BoT and TotfW i at least did all normal while current, i cannot recall if we did any Hc (i played druid at that time, started as owl finished as bear).
Then my time as resto shaman started we went up to 5or6/7 Firelands. (won´t mention DS, everyopne killed all modes), Full MV normal, then i took avery long break.I saw a bit of ToT and SoO (if i recall correclty up to Shamans HC), but not as progression.I have ahead of curve HC mode for both HM and BRF no mythic.
HFC: 11/13 Mythic

Raid Role

My main goal is to keep everyone above 1 HP at any given time, unless its impossible, then i decide who is least important and let him/her die. (more on healing itself in"Your Spec")

How i prepare? I read the whole internet everyday. Well i watch the good old fatboss vids, and more often than not there are similar or better vids out there which often provide some different opinion, piont of view or tactics. I read different (non in particular) forums specifically searching for resto shaman/healer advice. I have alot of time in my hands, so i can just do alot of google searches and sometimes there is something really helpful on the 2nd page of a reddit thread and the like. I search for cool, new , clever weak auras, for me and the guild. New addon project, or a creative new way of positioning a boss. I still think research is my biggest strength in WoW.

There was a time (when i played hunter) where i spend hours at the dummies and using SimCraft, thats nothing i would do anymore, what i do is rely on others who crunch the numbers and follow their advice. LFR, dungeons and BGs will help to learn anything new things comming up. But when i find out something doesn´t work for me, even after i really put some effort in to learn it, i won´t do it. I am far away from being hardcore, and from being perfect. I rather do the second best choice 80% correct than the best choice 34% correct. (same thing i always prayed raid leaders who keep changing boss tactic every single pull: 2nd best tactic executed well will get a boss down)

A great way for me to learn new keybinds is to enter a randon BG, it is fast and you run around and you can get used to the lesser used abilites like all the CC stuff in the repertoire. Get some muscle memory for them.

I log my fights in Warcraft Logs and read them after a raid or rather the day after. I check for uptimes of the stuff that needs to be up on cooldown, check my damage taken. Reading logs is something i would like to become better at, maybe i bother in case i start raiding again, maybe not.

Watching another guild on Twitch wiping a whole night I highly recommend for anyone who has the time to do so, drink a cool lemonade while you do and fold your laundry, best thing if you find someone who airs voicecom and has alot of short fused people in the raid.

Last but not least: open the dungeon journal, doesn´t hurt.

Your Spec

Mastery: Deep Healing
(Increases healing from your spells, based on the current health of your target. Lower health targets are healed for more.) This is the shaman trick. So gems enchants all mastery.

Riptide on CD
Healing Rain on CD (there is a legendary that will drop a 2nd HR where you stand if you cast HR, it makes my mouth water and i am worried that i will spend more time trying to farm it than is healthy)
Healing Stream Totem on CD
Cloudburst Totem on CD (if talented)

when all of the above is done, i weave in Healing Wave , Healing Surge and Chain Heal. Time will show how mana will be in the start of the xpack, depending on that its likely that I will make maximum use of the Tidal Wave buff.

This healing will create a nice watery cusion of healing.

there are plenty of different CDs i could talent, it will be an encounter to encouter decision if we could use any for a specific fight. ( i sometimes wake up at night giggling as i dreamed there is an encounter where someone gets a nasty debuff, i use Ancestral Protection Totem, the player gets sacrificed, lose the debuff and get ressed, and that way cheese a otheriwse deadly boss mechanic)
Then there is Hero ofc
Spirit Link Totem (note: due to talent changes shamans don´t have 2 charges of it anymore)
and the totem of all totems: Healing Tide Totem, its what Tranquility is to druids only that i still can move, and deep healing makes it a healthy waterfall.

I have a ranged interrupt on a short CD, Hex, a whole talent set of CCs, i can talent into a group speed increase (Wind Rush Totem) tho i rather not as there is a cute little talent for me in the same tier.

I could write alot more on this section, but i think you get the idea.

Off-specs and Alternative characters

I don´t like to play DPS, my off-spec is Elemental, i got a set of weak auras that help me play it. I had to play ele in Highmaul and became quite good at it, but it was the 2nd time i was made to play DPS when i didn´t sign for it, but i was the only one stupid enough to get okish in the off-spec, same in Blackwing Decent where i was the tank but then had to play owl (you would think at the age of 35 you get over those kind of things... i have remind my then raidleader again, make him feel a litte bit guilty) From all DPSers there is Hunter is the on that i could bother with. I don´t mind at all to go ele on an occasional fight, to cheat the boss with the pushback, i know this lower my chances alot as all fights will be 2-3 healable sooner or later and there will be no need for the other healers, but its a game, its about fun and i really don´t enjoy dpsing.


Yes and yes

Combat Logs

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... metric=hps

Your UI
ordinary Elv with Vuhdo. I don´t have any floating combat text, that might be special.
I jumped into a Bg just to give an idea.

Guild History

Shiny: love of my life guild, it first merges and then stopped to exist
Inter Amicitia/Meridies: daytime guild, i took a long break and when i came back it wasn´t the same guild anymore, like literally
Suit Up: stopped to exist
Bad Alts: a friend raids withh them and they adopted me and i did some alt runs with them but i wanted to do progression raiding again
Strom Wolves: morning guild, we never had more than 11-12 people showing up to raids and made negative progress and there was some dissagree between me and the raidleader how we treat people
Four Oh Four: my current guild, i stopped my trial as after a few weeks it became clear i don't fit in as a person, atm i am a social member with them.

Raid availability

yes (again too much time on my hands)


As i was hitting a wall on Silvermoon with my search for a guild
i was looking for a 3 night guild that was recruiting a resto shaman on wowprogress, its very hard as a healer right now, everyone have their team set apart from 2-3 range dps spots.
Hard facts fit: raiddays and time
The things you wrote on the forums and wowprogress itself sounded good, i chatted up Emi and Banth who were kind enough to listen to all i had to ask.

About you

Hello Guild!

Its me the middle aged lady. So here is my application, took me a while, but decided i give it one shot to try to get someone i can rush to 110 with and farm dungeons to gear up for hours on end and wipe a few nights in a row just to finally get some pixels.
I am worried i am not good enough for the rank you play in, but then i am not, i just won´t get a trial or pass a trial if i am not. I am for sure not the most skilled player (not the worst either) but i hope i could possibly be the person that brings ,realiable numbers and the softskills that makes someone a good addition to a raid. I am not a competative person, i can laugh about myself and i am shocked on the amount of guilds i spoke to in the past weeks that seem to think they are gods gifts to wow because they raid mythic.
I cannot take anyone serious who takes WoW serious. I wan to have fun, and i admit being in a raidgroup with people who are alot less skilled than oneself is not fun for me either, but its not their fault. (Quote from a friend: " my dream is to be in a guild where i am the worst player!" during a time where we were in a raidgroup that was alot more casual than we thought when we joined)
I often don´t write a ";p" after a sentence that mean to be a joke, so there happens to be misunderstanding on what i said. Be sure i am never rude, unfriendly or a bit cray cray, i just made a bad joke and forgot you cannot hear how i say it or see my mimic that will show you: "just kidding!"
My superpower is kindness!
I dislike the idea of transferring, i have a bunch on level 100 charcters and my second love in wow after raiding is goldmaking. So if i leave them behind i lose my professsions and most of my gold, maybe i would just slowly transfer them over when i have the money for it.
I have a wide range of interests: gardening, math, crocheting, or whatever a good non fiction book or TV documentary is about.. I love to read and i love watching TV , really i am obsessed with it. I have 1244 hours playtime on TF2.
I had a last senctence for this in mind which i forgot by now.
So sorry for my typing, its not that i not try , i am really that bad at it.
The heat is killing me, i go watch some TV now and have a ice cold coke.

Regards Perelin

German saussage jokes are the wurst.

Posts: 190
Character name: Xanzara
Location: Sweden

Re: [R1] Perelin, Restoration Shaman

Post by Xanzara » 25 Aug 2016, 21:40

Thanks for your application to RG1, please wait a few days while we deliberate. Please keep in mind that due to Legion's arrival - our application and trailing procedure is slower than usual. Hang in there.

Posts: 190
Character name: Xanzara
Location: Sweden

Re: [R1] Perelin, Restoration Shaman

Post by Xanzara » 04 Sep 2016, 05:59

Hello Perelin,

With our current large roster, we cannot currently consider a pure restoration shaman without an interest in playing their dps off spec. We additionally also think that there might be a mismatch between what you are looking for and us in RG1. With that in mind I'm sorry to tell you that we cannot currently offer you a trial spot. We wish you good luck in any future endeavours.

If you want any further feedback on your application, feel free to contact Xanzara or Twiki in-game.
