Leonhard, hunter, app

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Leonhard, hunter, app

Post by Leonhard » 03 Jul 2011, 14:09

This is my hunter: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ard/simple

My previous raid guild was Orgrimmar PD, my progress is 12/12, 5/13. Unfortunatly I haven't been raiding for a few months now as after a few of us decided to jump server, to play with RL friends, the guild fell apart and I took a break to enjoy the spring weather. Now I am back, changed factions to check out how you alliance folks are doing - I think I like it here - and am now looking for a raid spot.

I know my class, it's the only class I play, I'm perfectly comfortable with all three specs, so if you ever need me to provide a missing buff at the cost of my personal dps it's no problem.

What else can I say? I won't bullshit you on how very much I want to join Raven Council because truth is I don't know you. But based on all my prior experiences I think I get along fine with people and once we start raiding together I bet I'll make friends with atleast most of you. I plan to raid Firelands till it is all done, so you can expect me in for the long haul.

I am hoping to get a trial spot for tonights raid and to answer any of your questions over voice chat. Also, let me know if you want to see old parses and screens, I might dig something up.

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Posts: 938
Character name: Xanthin

Re: Leonhard, hunter, app

Post by Xanthi » 05 Jul 2011, 23:18

