App: Alluria, 80, Shaman, Resto/Ele

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App: Alluria, 80, Shaman, Resto/Ele

Post by Alluria » 24 Jan 2010, 19:36

1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?

My character is called Alluria. As she's a Shaman, she's naturally a Draenei. She's currently at lvl 80, specced into Restoration and Elemental.

2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?

This is my main character, but it was not always like this. She's actually my last out of 4 other char's (Pala - Holy/Ret, DK - Tank/DPS, Warr - Tank/DPS) to hit 80. She does however, have the best gear out of all 4 (God bless 3.3) and I'm currently most active on her.

3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)

I'm not very interested in PvP terms when it coms to Arena, but I do enjoy an occasional BG. As for the rest, I really want to raid a lot more than I do right now, preferably with a lot more constructivity in it as well. I really do enjoy RP every now and then, though I'm not really on the lookout for it.

4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?

Not much. I've heard and seen that Raven Council is high on the charts, which does add up nicely to the raidingstyle I was looking for. Judging from the guildrules it does look like my kind of guild looking at the social standards, so that should be just fine.

5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?

Well, #1 reason has to be Kuriyama (<3). He's one of my RL friends, and I really do play this game to enjoy with them. It just so happens he also happened to be in a guild that supposedly meets my wishes on a very accurate level, so that's all good!

6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?

Kuriyama! Though, I've seen some of you run around Stormwind and Dalaran, ofcourse. And a few times engaged in RP.

7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).

I'm 20, live in the Netherlands. My hobbies do really revolve around gaming and friends. I've got an xbox360 for when the web shuts down ;D I'm a IPD student in the hague, which is a technical graphics design studies. It takes up some of my spare time, but not nearly enough to keep me away from you guys <3

8. Extra info.

I've got gear for all THREE possible specs, and they all balance around a GearScore of 4860. Basically, any spec you guys WANT me to play, I can play. Just note: I'm pretty satisfied as my specs are right now, and I consider my mainspec to be Restoration.

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Re: App: Alluria, 80, Shaman, Resto/Ele

Post by Rezag » 28 Jan 2010, 18:18

