[Raider] Fainda, Lvl 80 Arcane Mage

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Character name: Fainda

[Raider] Fainda, Lvl 80 Arcane Mage

Post by ZeeJaz9500 » 03 Sep 2024, 22:45

Who is your character?
Fainda is an Arcane mage, who is long been an alt until TWW.
Armory Link: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en ... -co/fainda

Who are you?
I'm Zee, a 24 y/o software engineer living in London. I'm getting back into WoW after some time playing very casually in between xpacs.

For the vast majority of my time in WoW I have mained a ret/prot paladin, which I raided heavily with back in Legion (completing all raids on Heroic, and some Mythic progress while the were current content). Since then I have dipped in and out of the game, most notably doing some HC progression in Castle Nathria.

Raid Role
I'm looking to DPS, focussing on playing an Arcane Mage (although with Warbands I'll likely keep a few alts :D). I'm always keen to improve in my spec, and keep up to date with guides on Icy-Veins/wowhead as well as YouTube clips on how to best execute the rotation.

Your Spec
I pretty much follow along with the meta in terms of talent choices and rotation, going off of the consensus I can find across the internet. Although I am the type to drop extra complexity in the spec if it offers little damage increase, as the simpler rotation often means I'll do it better and get a DPS boost anyways :) I generally stick in an AoE/M+ talent layout unless doing a strict single target raid boss.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I've got a few alts I like to play, mainly Paladin which was long my main. I've also really enjoyed playing Aug evoker, and would be happy to bring that to raid if the meta is in favor of some DPS boosting ability.

I've got a mic and happy to communicate, although I'll usually keep quiet and let the raid leader make the calls.
My Battle.net ID is: ZeeJaz9500#2207. Happy for you to add me on there :)

Combat Logs
No logs as I've not been raiding for a few years, and never progression raided on this char.

Your UI

Guild History
I was in a guild called Dawnbreak during legion, which transferred to Horde before BfA (which led to my stopping raiding). After that I've been hopping around guilds as a social just doing some form of casual raiding.

Raid availability
I'm available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and usually free on Fridays and Sundays (fortnightly).

I found the guild by looking through who was doing well on WoWProgress last xpac :) I've also spoken briefly with Jimmble in game, who seemed lovely !

About you
I love WoW, but have been missing have a social guild to raid and do m+ with. That sense of community is so important to the game, and I hope I can find it here :D

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Re: [Raider] Fainda, Lvl 80 Arcane Mage

Post by Jimmble » 03 Sep 2024, 22:47

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Raider] Fainda, Lvl 80 Arcane Mage

Post by Pop » 03 Sep 2024, 23:52

Ooo a vending machine!

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Re: [Raider] Fainda, Lvl 80 Arcane Mage

Post by Lampris » 04 Sep 2024, 07:43

Fainda! Another Londoner! That is +10000 points in my book.

Your UI is gorgeously clean another +10000 points.

Give us some time to review :)

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Re: [Raider] Fainda, Lvl 80 Arcane Mage

Post by Sherelia » 04 Sep 2024, 18:24

Hello Fainda!

Thank you for applying to The Raven Council!

Your application is so good looking, just like your UI!
The only hiccup we might have is our raiding days and your availability. You & me have talked last night about this! I've also talked with the raven management about you and I've decided to give you a raid trial for team raven! You also mentioned that you are also going on a vacation soon and as we discussed please communicate with me again on when you want to start your raid trial please (when you are back from vacation basicly).

As for the social status -> actual guild invite, it's still up to the councillors to approve you. @Councillors, you're up!


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Posts: 7476
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Re: [Raider] Fainda, Lvl 80 Arcane Mage

Post by Jimmble » 04 Sep 2024, 23:54

