
A safe place for closed application.
Posts: 1
Character name: Soulshade
Location: Yorkshire


Post by Soulshade » 21 Aug 2024, 19:10

Who is your character?
Soulshade - Night Elf Death Knight

Who are you?
Im Darryl ( Daz ), 44 from the best part of the UK. Yorkshire.

I'm an explorer first. I like the 'new' stuff. Seeing things for the first time. Discovering hidden places etc. I'm also keen on group based content and progression. I'm not on about just raid / mythic stuff. Completing achievements, PVP, levelling alts etc. If I get hooked I'm a more than capable raider. I am however a grownup so cant commit 5 nights a week to raiding these days.

Guild history
Recently. Just small WOW guilds on different servers that all had a handful of players on at best. So nothing significant. I am an old MMO player though and have been playing various games since the early Noughties. The game that got me hooked, and my first love was Dark age of Camelot ( Alb / Prydwen ) and I was part of The Rigante then Lords of England and for a small time Phoenix Legion. LoE are still about but we're all grown up. So a handful show up for an expansion, set up one of the small guilds Ive mentioned above, play for a while and then move on.

I know Jon ( Real ID Smackerr ) in real life. We were talking about our other hobby ( AoS and The Old World / WHFB ) and WOW came up. The new expansion coming up looked like a good point to give the game a spin again. Ive not really played since Legion.

About you
I'm an old man with Hobby ADHD and Altitus, I love me an alt. I'm recently married ( the wedding was where I was speaking to Jon and a few other mates about the game ) and I got on Honeymoon in 2 days, so wont be here for the launch of the expansion.
I have a daughter and a plastic crack addiction that take up a fair chunk of my time. But I like gaming too and Id like to try get back 'into' WOW.

Depends if theyre marinated. Bit bland otherwise.

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Posts: 7476
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
Specialization: recruitment

Re: Soulshade

Post by Jimmble » 21 Aug 2024, 19:12

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Posts: 83
Character name: Lampris
Location: United Kingdom

Re: Soulshade

Post by Lampris » 22 Aug 2024, 08:52

Thanks for filling in the application form Soulshade, great name, great introduction!

Marinated gnomes? Sounds like a great idea for the next TRC social event!

Give us some time to review, we'll be in touch soon!

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Posts: 582
Character name: Jingles

Re: Soulshade

Post by Jingles » 22 Aug 2024, 09:12

There's a few more of us in the guild who is into that plastic crack 😄

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Posts: 7476
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
Specialization: recruitment

Re: Soulshade

Post by Jimmble » 22 Aug 2024, 17:37

Your application has been approved! Please poke an officer in-game for a guild invite.

User avatar
Posts: 7476
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
Specialization: recruitment

Re: Soulshade

Post by Jimmble » 26 Aug 2024, 18:11

