Dotra, Lvl 70 Death Knight

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Character name: Dotra
Location: Norway

Dotra, Lvl 70 Death Knight

Post by frekvi » 20 Aug 2024, 22:18

Who is your character?
Dotra, Death Knight, Unholy or Frost (Love tanking so can do that too)

Who are you?
Fredrik, 35 years old, Norway. Happily married with two kids.

I've been playing WoW on and off since the beta. I've did 3 bosses in naxx and everything before that, all content in TBC and some in WOTLK. Since then I never really found a proper guild to call home and was playing on and off until Legion when I made a guild with some friends. We did all raids on Heroic when they came out and the first raid in Shadowlands before people quit the game. Since then I haven't really been raiding. I've played a lot of druid, monk, mage, rogue and dh. Now i'd like to sink some time into Death Knight.

Raid Role
I like to perform above average in most games I play and will put in som research into the mechanics off my class and the encounters. I hate being a burden and always want to do my part. In legion we used logs and simmed our characters.

Your Spec
I haven't played much Death Knight yet, so I am looking forward to get into it. I am going to play Unholy or Frost depending on which I like the most at max level in War Within and if one is performing a lot better than the other I will swap.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I love tanking so as a Death Knight I will always be ready to swap into tank if needed. I'm planning on running M+ as Blood too.

I have a microphone and I don't mind speaking during raids if needed. If there is a lot of activity on the forums I'll definately take a look, however i'm guessing most things will be on Discord?

Battle tag: fRekvi#2408

Combat Logs
I haven't played in forever, I managed to dig up some logs as a windwalker for the first raids in Legion: ... 17#zone=10

Your UI
I've been running with WeakAuras and ElvUI, however with the new UI update I think I'll try without ElvUI for a bit.

Guild History
I haven't had a proper guild (expect in legion with my mates) since TBC days that I would truly say was my home.

Raid availability
I have two kids that normally go to bed at 19:00. I am available most days from 19:30 - 23:30, longer in weekends.

I looked for guilds on Defias Brotherhood and found an old recruitment post.

About you
I love fishing, I try to fish salmon in the season, trout and other in the off season. I have two lovely kids and a wife and I work with children with special need. I also love video games and have been playing them pretty much since I Was 3-4 years old.

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Re: Dotra, Lvl 70 Death Knight

Post by Sherelia » 20 Aug 2024, 23:40

Hello Dotra!

Welcome to the Raven Council forums! Thank you for your application and interest for raiding with us in raid team Raven!

Your application is looking good and I'm curious whether you end up playing frost or unholy in The War Within, but I guess we can only find out at max level :) This will however not influence my decision on giving you a trial for our team! We are recruiting DPS and we've talked a bit ingame as well, you seem to fit within our needs and us in yours. We will just need to wait the final decision from the coucillours now :)

Councillors, i'm giving him green light to trial for Raid team Raven! You're up!

Talk to you soon,

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Re: Dotra, Lvl 70 Death Knight

Post by Lampris » 22 Aug 2024, 08:57

Thanks Dotra! We are reviewing the application and will be in touch soon!

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Re: Dotra, Lvl 70 Death Knight

Post by Jimmble » 26 Aug 2024, 18:12

