Caelirosa, Devastation Evoker but planning to main Augmentation, Plan to try and also learn Presevation. ... /caelirosa, ... /caelirosa.
Who are you?
Name is Christopher, 40 years old, United Kingdom
Up until recently I was maining my Shadowpriest; ... on/kamikii ... on/Kamikii
With my priest I was in a Raiding guild called Second Wind on Silvermoon: Green Team. I cleared both Normal and HC. This team is a Mythic Raiding team but I applied when they were full so joined as Backup. I was called up on The Forgotten Experiments Mythic.
Prior to this I had taken a large break from raiding and mostly focused on M+ and other Gaming Activities. I have previously raided Mythic on my Mage back in Castle Nathria and the raids in prior expansions like BFA
Raid Role
I like to play DPS as that is where I am most comfortable. I assess my performance through multiple sources including Warcraft Logs, Wow Analyser, These are my primary log tools but I also am heavily invested into the class discords and run M+ regularly with an IRL friend who is in the Red Team for Second Wind on Silvermoon. Red team is their Cutting Edge team and my friend also plays Evoker. I also take any feedback and advice from anyone that I play with.
Your Spec
I have a complete understanding of my character from the right priorities with Disintegrate usage, When to expand the Empowered spells of Fire Breath and Eternity Surge vs just level 1. I have multiple builds for different scenarios and get lots of practice in different comps and working with different people in Mythic+ too.
I have extensive time spent on the Class Discords, Wowhead/Icy Veins Guides and several Class Guides/ Streamers on Youtube.
I spend many hours practicing on both dummies but also all levels of content I run from LFR to Heroic Raids to try and optimise and perfect my spec. As I switch main recently from Priest I am still finalising my gear but am obtaining my BiS gear; My stats are currently quite strong with 95% Mastery, 12% Haste and 22% Crit.
I have spent many hours on the class discord also reading up on the Augmentor rotation which I then am practicing on the PTR.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am happy to switch to Preservation or the other Evoker Dps spec if asked. Currently I do not have huge confidence in my healing abilities but I am happy to learn and take any advice. I do have my Shadow priest as an Alt (Armory and WowProgress above) but I would prefer to focus 1 main as I find that better for my own focusing.
Have a Headset & Mic. More than happy for any communication. Battle Tag Kiinoh#2520
Combat Logs
Right now I am helping out a Guild who I used to be with called Embers of Lordaeron. They are a very casual guild who only has 1/9 Heroic. My logs for their most recent normal run is
Heroic I am tending to Pug atm and do not have logs for that.
Your UI
My UI is designed for 2 reasons. To work around the way I play with my MMO 12 button mouse but also secondly to keep my screen as clear as possible. For this I utilize addons such as BigWigs, Opie, Raid Ability Timeline, Plater, Weakauras, Shadowed Unit Frames, Infinite Raid Tools, RCLoot Council.
Guild History
Second Wind - Silvermoon. Green Mythic Raiding Team. There are a number of things I did not like about the team but ultimately I was a backup raider.
Prime - Defias Brotherhood. Lots of drama which caused the team itself to fold on itself with many changes
Raid availability
Full availability as I work from home mostly.
Realm Progress and Warcraft Logs. My two IRL friends I play with most can vouch for me. Heltrasza-Silvermoon and Tílaníá-Darkmoon Faire
About you
I am old school in the sense of what I truly want is a Guild/Place that I can belong. Somewhere I can log on and feel like I am part of something. For all too long I have just played in a small clique with my 2 irl friends. I think I am good at the game and it would be nice to give back and help out others.
We have a very annoying Samoyed puppy so any brownie points from Dog Lovers