Evoker Raid application - Devastation but learning Augmentation

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Evoker Raid application - Devastation but learning Augmentation

Post by Caelirosa » 23 Jun 2023, 23:22

Who is your character?
Caelirosa, Devastation Evoker but planning to main Augmentation, Plan to try and also learn Presevation. https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en ... /caelirosa, https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... /caelirosa.

Who are you?
Name is Christopher, 40 years old, United Kingdom

Up until recently I was maining my Shadowpriest;
https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en ... on/kamikii
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... on/Kamikii

With my priest I was in a Raiding guild called Second Wind on Silvermoon: Green Team. I cleared both Normal and HC. This team is a Mythic Raiding team but I applied when they were full so joined as Backup. I was called up on The Forgotten Experiments Mythic.

Prior to this I had taken a large break from raiding and mostly focused on M+ and other Gaming Activities. I have previously raided Mythic on my Mage back in Castle Nathria and the raids in prior expansions like BFA

Raid Role
I like to play DPS as that is where I am most comfortable. I assess my performance through multiple sources including Warcraft Logs, Wow Analyser, Wipefest.gg. These are my primary log tools but I also am heavily invested into the class discords and run M+ regularly with an IRL friend who is in the Red Team for Second Wind on Silvermoon. Red team is their Cutting Edge team and my friend also plays Evoker. I also take any feedback and advice from anyone that I play with.

Your Spec
I have a complete understanding of my character from the right priorities with Disintegrate usage, When to expand the Empowered spells of Fire Breath and Eternity Surge vs just level 1. I have multiple builds for different scenarios and get lots of practice in different comps and working with different people in Mythic+ too.
I have extensive time spent on the Class Discords, Wowhead/Icy Veins Guides and several Class Guides/ Streamers on Youtube.

I spend many hours practicing on both dummies but also all levels of content I run from LFR to Heroic Raids to try and optimise and perfect my spec. As I switch main recently from Priest I am still finalising my gear but am obtaining my BiS gear; My stats are currently quite strong with 95% Mastery, 12% Haste and 22% Crit.

I have spent many hours on the class discord also reading up on the Augmentor rotation which I then am practicing on the PTR.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am happy to switch to Preservation or the other Evoker Dps spec if asked. Currently I do not have huge confidence in my healing abilities but I am happy to learn and take any advice. I do have my Shadow priest as an Alt (Armory and WowProgress above) but I would prefer to focus 1 main as I find that better for my own focusing.

Have a Headset & Mic. More than happy for any communication. Battle Tag Kiinoh#2520

Combat Logs
Right now I am helping out a Guild who I used to be with called Embers of Lordaeron. They are a very casual guild who only has 1/9 Heroic. My logs for their most recent normal run is https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/dhfVpcRnmL32wx8C
Heroic I am tending to Pug atm and do not have logs for that.

Your UI
My UI is designed for 2 reasons. To work around the way I play with my MMO 12 button mouse but also secondly to keep my screen as clear as possible. For this I utilize addons such as BigWigs, Opie, Raid Ability Timeline, Plater, Weakauras, Shadowed Unit Frames, Infinite Raid Tools, RCLoot Council.

Guild History
Second Wind - Silvermoon. Green Mythic Raiding Team. There are a number of things I did not like about the team but ultimately I was a backup raider.
Prime - Defias Brotherhood. Lots of drama which caused the team itself to fold on itself with many changes

Raid availability
Full availability as I work from home mostly.

Realm Progress and Warcraft Logs. My two IRL friends I play with most can vouch for me. Heltrasza-Silvermoon and Tílaníá-Darkmoon Faire

About you
I am old school in the sense of what I truly want is a Guild/Place that I can belong. Somewhere I can log on and feel like I am part of something. For all too long I have just played in a small clique with my 2 irl friends. I think I am good at the game and it would be nice to give back and help out others.

We have a very annoying Samoyed puppy so any brownie points from Dog Lovers :)

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Re: Evoker Raid application - Devastation but learning Augmentation

Post by Jimmble » 25 Jun 2023, 02:38

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Dark Raven
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Re: Evoker Raid application - Devastation but learning Augmentation

Post by Sherelia » 26 Jun 2023, 20:00

Hello Caelirosa,

Thank you again for the application. We have reviewed it and came to the conclusion that even though you might fit fine in our raid team, we are full on evokers and are currently looking for other classes & preferrably a healer first.

We are open to reconsider in case you would want to raid with us, say with your priest. But unfortunately I have to decline the evoker application, sorry!
I wish you all the best.

-Sherelia, Raven Raid group management

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Re: Evoker Raid application - Devastation but learning Augmentation

Post by Jimmble » 17 Jul 2023, 23:22

<not recruited>
