Restoration Shaman Raid Application (Shamangoheal)

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Character name: Shamangoheal
Location: UK

Restoration Shaman Raid Application (Shamangoheal)

Post by Shamangobrr » 30 Apr 2023, 00:56

Who is your character?
Shamangoheal , Shaman, Restoration, currently in a middle of leveling ... amangoheal (will be ready for raiding)

Who are you?
Jakub 21, Poland, currently live in England.

Started playing in the middle of BFA my raiding experience is mainly Shadowlands. S1 Castle Natrhia, S2 Sanctum of Domination, S3 Sepulcher of The First Ones. CN Heroic 7/8 Mainly as Resto Shaman and Holy Priest. SOD 8/8 Mainly as Resto Shaman. SOTFO Heroic mainly as Protection Warrior and Demonology Warlock. S4 Where the Raids would change each week, CN Heroic 8/8, SOD Heroic 8/8, SOTFO Heroic 7/8 as Demonology Warlock and Protection Warrior.

Raid Role
For the current Expansion I have decided to heal, maintain utilities as Restoration Shaman. I would come already with my own Heal/Mana pots, enchants, gems, food, runes. I would judge my performance base of off Logs, Heal Done, If anyone has died and base off of If the person could have been saved by me or not. I keep my self updated by checking best how the best people perform and I try to transform their game to suit my gamestyle. And also by checking WowHead and Method for any updates or info I can pick up.

Your Spec
Restoration Shaman. Stat Prio for Raiding : Crit, Mastery, Vers, Haste. Choices of big Heal cdr Healing Tide Totem when it starts to get bad in addition with Cloudburst Totem, Ascendance, Wellspring, Earthen Wall Totem, Spirit Link Totem. For some utility in Raid : Mana Tide Totem, Wind Rush totem.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I enjoy playing most of the classes so I wouldn't mind swapping a class mid Raid or if we lacking DPS to start the raid.
Huntergobrr BM currently in PVP gear ... untergobrr and Druidgobrr Restoration ... druidgobrr. Hunter been my first class ever created so I have been playing with my Hunter for some times now. With my Druid I have been trying to see how Resto Druid would fit me, over all I feel comfortable to heal with my little dudu.

I do have a microphone and I do not mind using it if needed. I do not mind using this website for tactics etc.

Combat Logs
Generally as a Healer I have not been using them. Whenever I play DPS in a Raid there would be a Raid Leader who would do them for the rest of the raid there fore I have never used them myself.

Your UI
SS available upon request. Addons I mainly use GTFO, Details!, DBM, Clique, Decursive.

Guild History
My most recent Guild would be Nephilims Respite, Diviners, and few more I don't have much memories off. Nephilims Respite disbanded few months back due to burn out of the game and dragging people. Diviners made me move on due to lack off raids and the old members would keep themselves locked down on a channel and would just play without getting to know new members. Why do I wanna join TRC? I wanna enjoy the game and have a good laugh.

Raid availability
I work 5 days a week nightshift 23.00 to 7.00, so I am mainly available during weekends. During weeks I am doing M+.

Through Thornbush he advice me to fill an application because you need decent healers so here I am :D

About you
I do speak when needed to in raids, I do rather listen most of the time than talk myself but it's depended off of the situation.

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Re: Restoration Shaman Raid Application (Shamangoheal)

Post by Stuey » 30 Apr 2023, 02:51

Gets my vote player so a big thumbs up & the best of luck to you my friend! ^^
"If it bleeds, we can kill it"

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Re: Restoration Shaman Raid Application (Shamangoheal)

Post by Sherelia » 30 Apr 2023, 09:58

Thank you for the application! We've talked last night already for quite a bit, i'll get back to you.

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Re: Restoration Shaman Raid Application (Shamangoheal)

Post by Fahranya » 30 Apr 2023, 12:59

Cleared for trial. Please poke a guild officer for a guild invite.


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Re: Restoration Shaman Raid Application (Shamangoheal)

Post by Jimmble » 01 May 2023, 21:29

<recruited as Xari>
