Thornbush Night Elf Druid ... /thornbush
Who are you?
Stuart 49, Bolton England
Old timer of the game.I have curve on my priestess Naiobi but i love my druid so am going to play her. Cleared most of the game on hardmodes in the past and i Have KSM from shadowlands and lived in De Other Side (made a resto troll just to do Kapoiera in there to the groovy music) I have played for 19 years now and what i don't know i've either forgotten or isn't worth knowing

Raid Role
Healing is my jam. I go to the best for info so Method current players are who i glean info from when things change. I also like to put myself to the test or simply try new things to see what works and what doesn't but I tend to play with what I like and go with it. I'm a bit of a genius with Grid2 and other addons that i can configure to my playstyle. I rock the usual for raids but am no addon whore I know what works for me. I also come to raids with flask and food and yes i love my professions but since I've only come back recently I need to put in the work on them which I will do. I'm an old school grinder from Vanilla ^^
Your Spec
I druid is built to take hits in hard situations so i rock a very resilient healer and it's always worked for me. i can kick out the heals, I can move fast and take the group with me in the process, I have plenty in the bag when it's needed. My Healer comes with stuns and CC and she can take the hits from damage in raids or dungeons. I love Flourish and incarnation plus convoke (i switch between the two last spells dependent on situ).
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have many alts, I have an MM hunter & a Holy/Shadow priestess that i can also play but in reality i can play all the classes. I used to raid tank on my warrior back in Wrath. I've played all the classes at raid level and all the specs as i love them all but the druid is my fave...and yes I rock a pretty mean Feral when i've got the gear. feral is what made me fall for the druid. Back in the old game Feral took some finesse to play well and I used to enjoy playing Feral as a break from the wheels of heal.
I am a chatty bloke and I do bring something to the table in that area, I've lead many a successful raid in the past & am not afraid to call out when it's needed. If yer in a raid you need to communicate simple as

Combat Logs
I don't really bother with logs as i've not raided for a while & to be honest as a healer logs don't mean that much. I'm not a meter padder as some healers are. I save my CD's for when I deem them needed and If that gives me a crappy log then I really don't care, if the raid is alive and the meters/logs show i'm decursing & active who gives a toss. Logs are there for a reference only. I have had some of the most brilliant raid fights in the past but my past logs don't reflect that I was the top on heals and had enough mana in the tank to keep everyone alive till the end when others ran OOM and were crying out for an innervate from the trusty old tree haha!
Your UI
DBM, GRID2, DETAILS, DECURSIVE, CLIQUE, MYTHIC DUNGEON TOOLS & RAIDER IO (i would post but this app form confuses me so i can share my screen in DISCORD)
Guild History
Frostbitten, The Typhoon Struggle, The Logical Cube, The Tempered Sun, Nephilims Respite & many more through the ages haha!
Raid availability
I can make your raids

Vaelyn's guild macro ^^
About you
You've already spoken to me on discord. i'm a pretty outspoken chap, i love the game and am very enthusiastic about it all. I come prepared and on time & I give it my all when in a team. I love to make new pals and come up with new ways or ideas on how to drop them bosses. I am a raid minded player so when ANYONE gets loot i'm happy because that makes my healing life easier ^^
I am a crazy motherfucker & not afraid to admit it. I am old but still in touch with the child inside & yes I reckon i'd be a good addition to your crew once I get to know them. i used to raid on & off with some of you guys back in MOP when my druid was called Eveira...anyhow I hope I get a shot at the title because I miss raiding with a good team that have a good attitude towards the game as I do. Many thank in advance...Stu <3