Faeryn, BM Hunter
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... ood/faeryn
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... od/Faeryn/
Who are you?
I'm Jonathan, 34yr old male from Belgium.
Dodo regular, did some Heroic raiding (killed first 3 bosses)
Raid Role
I'm DPS, not the greatest player, but I'm doing my best.
Your Spec
Prio is crit & haste
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Leveling an alt now, Arcane Mage, but not sure if I'm going to gear him for end game...
Discord, always happy to socialize
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/ ... ood/faeryn
Your UI
Guild History
TRC is my first guild in a long time.
Raid availability
Sundays are generally no problem, wednesday may be, need to find some common ground with the wifey.
Eeley (RL "friend"), Nethelor also told me to apply
About you
Wanna know something, ask
