Raid Recruitment

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Raid Recruitment

Post by Ayluani » 12 Feb 2023, 16:10

Who is your character?
Ayluani, Evoker, Devastation ... od/ayluani ... od/ayluani

Who are you?
Alex, 33, I'm from Poland, but I've lived in the UK for almost 8 years now.

I started playing WoW right before Legion release. I did some raiding since then while it was current content (casually, on normal mode). In Shadowlands I raided Castle Nathria, a little bit of Sanctum and Sepulcher. Dragonflight is when I got into heroic raiding (6/8 atm). Before Evoker I mained frost mage, BM hunter and enh shaman, so I'm pretty much a 100% dps player.

Raid Role
DPS. I make sure to have my gear enchanted and use consumables during raids to maximise my dps/survivability. I track my progress by looking at Warcraft logs. I'm part of the Evoker discord (or whichever class I main at the time) to learn more about the class and all the ins and outs.

Your Spec
I main Devastation. I have talent profiles currently set up for every Vault boss to optimize for each fight. For stat priorities I sim myself on

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Currently my most geared character is my Evoker. I have done casual healing in the past on my other characters but I wouldn't say I would be comfortable healing in a raid (not very experienced in that), so I would ideally stick to DPS.
No alts are currently geared enough to raid (but might be in the future time allowing!)

I've got a mic and I'm fine using it if needed. I'm happy to use forums or guild discord, whichever is used mainly.

Combat Logs ... od/ayluani

Your UI

Guild History
Starting Dragonflight I was in Tooth and Fang on Draenor. I then moved to Ketamine (also Draenor) with a group of friends (we left T&F because some of them had a falling out with the guild leader and we wanted to stick together). However, Ketamine did not feel right. The raid team kept changing with people coming and going so it did not feel very cohesive.

I'd love to join TRC because from what I've seen so far it seems like a nice guild (love the name, saw one of your raid runs on stream and it seemed like a nice bunch of people; you also do the content my partner and I are interested in, and we would love to call this guild our home ^^)

Raid availability
The raid schedule suits me perfectly. Unless it's some real life emergency, I should be able to attend all raid nights.

My partner and I found your guild on Warcraft logs, did some research into what the guild is about, raid times, found this website, saw the stream mentioned earlier and we liked what we saw.

About you
Hello again! As mentioned earlier my name is Alex and I'm a gamer girl ^^ I love WoW (and MMORPGs in general), League of Legends (sometimes), The Sims, and occasional single player RPGs like Horizon Zero Dawn and Assassin's Creed Valhalla (although I have yet to play that one! Vikings ftw though). I'm looking forward to meeting everyone in the guild (assuming my application gets approved that is xD)!

Thank you for reading this far and happy gaming ^^

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Specialization: raid leader

Re: Raid Recruitment

Post by Fahranya » 12 Feb 2023, 16:33

Thank you for your application. Please give us some time to deliberate.


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Dark Raven
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Re: Raid Recruitment

Post by Sherelia » 12 Feb 2023, 16:43

Ac Valhalla is def a fun game ha! Thanks for the application, we'll get back to you soon ;)


Re: Raid Recruitment

Post by Guest » 12 Feb 2023, 16:47

Wonderful :) Thanks!

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raid leader
Posts: 1269
Character name: Fahranya
Specialization: raid leader

Re: Raid Recruitment

Post by Fahranya » 12 Feb 2023, 17:05

Accepted for trial.

Feel free to poke an officer for a guild invite.


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Re: Raid Recruitment

Post by Jimmble » 12 Feb 2023, 17:27

