Moary, Pandaren, Brewmaster
Who are you?
My name is Yura, I am 21 and from germany.
Have only been doing leveling and Dungeons (Tank and DPS) and am very much enjoying those, since I'm pretty new retail WoW.
Guild history
This would be my "real" first guild (got random invited while leveling and joined for a bit, without any interaction).
Just found you guys in the WoW Guild section and found the description appealing

About you
I have been playing MMO's (if we include Destiny in that genre for just a moment) for the better part of my life by now, spanning from Destiny 1/2 (prob some 4000 hours) to ESO (400h), WoW Classic TbC (100h) and a bit of Lost Ark. The thing that makes or breaks MMOs for me is the social side, after D1 I never really managed to get in touch with a community and bounced of the games after while, it doesn't help that I am a pretty shy guy and need to feel comfortable and welcome to flourish. So if this is a friendly guild with a bunch of chill people who are down to chat and/or do some Dungeons/farming (maybe even raid in the future), then I would simply love to join. :]
[A little something about yourself, as a person and/or your experiences within the game. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild.

Very nice fellows, been travelling with them in my classic days, tho they do seem much more grumpy in retail, but then again who wouldn't be without the 5% intellect racial passive.