Aerinwyne, Human, Level 50 Paladin
Who are you?
Kayte, Aged 31 from Cornwall, England
I'm currently trying to get as many achievements as possible working through all of the expansions as I go, I'm still on Classic achievements so a long way to go! I am a casual player as I have a full time job.
Guild history
None, I just recently rejoined the game.
I was looking through the guild finder for a large, established guild and came across yours. I was disappointed with many of the others as they weren't very organised and didn't have a website or any ready to come across information but I was able to find out about your guild by looking at your website.
About you
Hello everyone, my name is Kayte, I'm 31 years old, I live in a place called Cornwall, England. I work in a betting shop, in my spare time I like to play video games, haven't played WoW in years and recently returned and I am enjoying it, it's a bit boring without a guild, so I thought I would look for one and I really liked the look of yours! I hope to make new friends and look forward to you reading my application! Thanks for taking the time to read it

I love gnomes <3