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[RG Phoenix] Zophos, Protection Paladin

Posted: 26 Feb 2021, 01:16
by Nexodor
Who are you?
Matt, 22. Phoenix raiders may already know that I'm from Poland. I'm currently studying computer science with a specialization in robotics. Big brain. Online classes make it much easier to play video games all day and apparently I can ace a mid term after studying for two hours. Big brain.
I know the most useless stuff in the world like the difference between an english longbow and a mongolian recurve bow or how the Jolly Roger was used by the Crusaders and not the pirates.

Who is your character?
Zophos - Silvermoon - Paladin ... oon/Zophos
It's still on Silvermoon but there is nothing blito can't fix for 25 Good Boy Points.

Why that spec?
I'm actually an OG Retribution main from the very first days of its real viability in raiding back in 2.3 that gave us a raid wide 3% Crit buff. But it's garbage now. It's reall only viable in PvP but I expect it to get nerfed into the ground and it will be a wheelchair pepe again. Also playing as Protection gets you shorter queues. Good stuff.

Guild History
There is a long list of guilds that I played with on private servers. Not so much on retail. I joined Sons of Lordaeron on Silvermoon because some of my friends were there but its a Hasty Hearth guild. I tried helping them and explaining some tactics for Castle Nathria but their RL wasn't exactly open minded.

I didn't play much retail. It might be because I just liked previous expansions more or I'm just cheap. The world will never know. I have been playing this game on and off since TBC launched so probably 2nd grade in elementary school.
I've scored some realm firsts on the privs. I'm curved now and I can tell you that it doesn't even compare to Ulduar geared Alone in the Darkness 25 when half of your talents are bugged on a bootleg server.

Raid Role
I get hit in the face. Repeatedly. If I die before everyone else its an issue. I then click Recap and see a 20k hit from Remornia in the back. Next I exhale angrily.

I was in a best EU guild on a TBC serv recently and some guys stopped playing the guild died. I then joined a guild that was a full raid tier behind and kept playing with them untill the server died. Just be fun. It's a game.

Raid availability
I have online classes and I study CS. I'm around a PC pretty much all day every day.

Do you remember this one time Pilav lost a bet and had to reroll his warrior from Human to Gnome and it turned out Gnomes are actually fire in PvP? I remember.

I just wanted the Curve and now I'm sitting here writing an application because Frostie needed a friend to tank with. SMH

Dunno if you know but those private servers also have logs. When I wasn't a full raid tier behind the competition I was actually spitting fire.

Re: [RG Phoenix] Zophos, Protection Paladin

Posted: 26 Feb 2021, 07:32
by Jimmble
Many pinks!

Re: [RG Phoenix] Zophos, Protection Paladin

Posted: 26 Feb 2021, 14:43
by Pylori
"I just wanted the Curve and now I'm sitting here writing an application because Frostie needed a friend to tank with." - @Frostie GOT EM!

Seems like a nice guys from our past 2 raids :). Definitely welcome in RG Phoenix! So i'll hand it over to the officers to check your application.

Re: [RG Phoenix] Zophos, Protection Paladin

Posted: 26 Feb 2021, 15:51
by Trok
Your application has been accepted. Feel free to poke an officer for a guild invite.

Re: [RG Phoenix] Zophos, Protection Paladin

Posted: 02 Mar 2021, 17:26
by Frostie
Zophos made a really good impression on me! Sticked with us to the end, when wiping on Sire. Next raid came along again for the kill. Much appriciated attitude!