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Social Application - Illisia

Posted: 26 Dec 2019, 19:08
by Illisia
Who is your character?
Illisia,Demon Hunter, Vengeance
Who are you?
Emma, 26, Sweden

Raiding, but with limited free time i can't atm :) might go back to it in the future when time allows it. Otherwise just spending time doing dailys kinda :)

Guild history
I'm in Crescent Moon, been in there since TBC but the guild pretty much died after MoP

Just used the in game guild searcher and found this guild interesting:)

About you
Been playing WoW on and off since vanilla, working a full time job as a park-tender/gardener(not sure exact title in English) maintaining local outdoor areas,parks etc.

[What are they all about, eh?]
Does anyone know? :?

Re: Social Application - Illisia

Posted: 26 Dec 2019, 19:22
by Jingles
Thank you for your application. Please give the officers some time to review it and we'll get back to you 8)

Re: Social Application - Illisia

Posted: 26 Dec 2019, 21:40
by Jingles
Your application has been approved. Please poke an officer ingame for an invite.

Re: Social Application - Illisia

Posted: 28 Dec 2019, 19:39
by Jingles