[Raider] Thermyon 120 FireMage

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Character name: Thermyon

[Raider] Thermyon 120 FireMage

Post by Thermos » 30 Aug 2018, 14:23

Who is your character?
Main character is Thermyon Armory, WowProgress

Who are you?
My name is Mihai, I'm 21 and from Romania

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm looking to progress in mythic raiding and high mythic+ farming, so I suppose I'm applying for RG1

I've started raiding with Resentful in Hellfire Citadel (WOD) and we progressed up until Mannoroth (11/13M).
Going into Legion, my raid group split from Resentful and formed our own guild which lasted until Nighthold.
We cleared Emerald Nightmare Mythic (7/7M) and we disbanded as we were progressing in Nighthold Mythic, right after killing Spellblade Auriel a couple of times (5/10M)

Raid Role
As a mage my role is to dps. Usually when I start a new raid, the first run I go in blind and try and guess the script from how it's telegraphed and/or with DBM.
After this 1 blind run I read boss tactics, watch some videos if needed for strats.
If i were to rank my performance I would be a Master Fire Mage :D .

Your Spec
Heart of Azeroth is almost lvl 18
Fire rotation means fishing for instant pyros with fireball, fireblast and the occasional scorch below 30% boss hp.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
My alts are still level 110 and I'm not sure how soon I'm gonna get the leveled up and geared.
As for off-specs, Im ranking my performance on all 3 as Fire>Frost>Arcane with Fire being my best and Arcane being weakest.

Mic is up and running, I have no problem in calling out the occasional [Priority add focus him down] or X mechanic soon stack up
My battletag: Thermos#21533

Combat Logs
Here's my Logs, the good ones, the bad ones :P, i've always kept an eye on them after every raid

Guild History
Explained in experience

Raid availability
9 hours a week is reasonable, same schedule as I've known for our mythic progression

I've known TRC since i've started raiding in Wod and I was looking against what guilds we were competing.
There was also one guy in my college who was in your guild and raiding at that time in Wod, a druid Lanaiba, but i didnt get to talk to him much

About you
A brief introduction? Hmm really makes me think. If i can get to meme around in gchat i'd be most happy :D

EDIT: I was informed RG1 does not exist anymore, so I'll apply for RG2.
Last edited by Thermos on 30 Aug 2018, 18:18, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Raider] Thermyon 120 FireMage

Post by Jingles » 30 Aug 2018, 15:33

Thank you for your application. We will look into it and return as soon as we reviewed it!

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Re: [Raider] Thermyon 120 FireMage

Post by Jingles » 30 Aug 2018, 18:21

Hello Thermyon and thank you once again for the application.

Currently RG1 is on an hiatus and is not raiding.

However RG2 is still active and going. We are a 2 day raiding group and reading your application I wonder if you're maybe looking for something a bit more than that? Read our profile about RG2 here on the webpage and please return whether you're interested or not in applying for RG2.

All the best,


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Dark Raven
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Character name: Thermyon

Re: [Raider] Thermyon 120 FireMage

Post by Thermos » 30 Aug 2018, 18:27

Greetings Jingles,

I've spoken to a couple of officers and I've understood that RG2's is still aiming for mythic raiding. If that's the case I am still looking forward to join your ranks and progress as far as possible.

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Re: [Raider] Thermyon 120 FireMage

Post by Fahranya » 30 Aug 2018, 23:39

We are aiming for mythic, yes. But it's more a "let's see how far we can push ourselves" than in the hope of getting, say... Cutting Edge.

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Dark Raven
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Character name: Thermyon

Re: [Raider] Thermyon 120 FireMage

Post by Thermos » 31 Aug 2018, 10:35

Yeah this sounds great :D

EDIT:Perhaps I should have mentioned earlier, but I feel like my hardcore farming days are over FeelsWeirdMan

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Re: [Raider] Thermyon 120 FireMage

Post by Fahranya » 02 Sep 2018, 21:09

You have been accepted for a trial. Please poke a raid officer for an invite.

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Re: [Raider] Thermyon 120 FireMage

Post by Fahranya » 19 Feb 2019, 16:25

Trial passed long ago.
