[Social] Xiéxié, 110 Monk

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[Social] Xiéxié, 110 Monk

Post by r0xp0x » 08 Jan 2019, 22:33

Who is your character?
Xiéxié, Pandaren Mistweaver Monk.

Who are you?

I'm Timothy, soon-to-be 28 years old from Stockholm, Sweden.

Depends from day to day; either just staying in one place queueing for LFD-groups, or running around questing, mount/pet/achievement-hunting. I'm tempted to try out Mythics and possibly raiding later on, but that's when I know I'm with the same group all the time.

Guild history
I joined a guild that spaminvited people called Leveling, because I had just created the character and wanted the guild perks while leveling (fitting name, eh?).

I saw Forklash announcing that The Raven Council was recruiting, I messaged him to see what I had to do, and now I'm here filling out this form. Don't know anyone in the guild apart from the few back-and-forth messaging with Forklash. <:

About you
I'm just a generally social and positive/happy guy who've gotten really tired of the most non-social people in WoW. I'm not THAT experienced with WoW. I've been playing since Vanilla, but that was with a crappy computer, so I couldn't do anything really. After that I've played for a month tops every other year, and during the summer, when BfA was released, another game I also played had problems with it's update, so I thought "Why not give WoW another try?" (A guy in my guild in the other game was part of the reasaon for me going for it as well). I got a month subscription, and have been playing ever since on different chars!
Outside of WoW I got my Bachelor's degree in Swedish Sign language and Interpreting from Stockholm University in June 2018, and I'm now studying to become a speech-to-text interpreter!
Other than that, I just play games, hang out with my boyfriend, socialize with friends and that typical stuff. And I LOVE cats!

If I could, I'd play a gnome all the time... But I thought a Pandaren would fit more with being a Monk. I do miss playing my Gnome Frost Mage though...

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Re: [Social] Xiéxié, 110 Monk

Post by Jimmble » 08 Jan 2019, 22:48

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Social] Xiéxié, 110 Monk

Post by Jimmble » 10 Jan 2019, 16:42

Your application has been approved. Please poke an officer ingame for a guild invite.

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Re: [Social] Xiéxié, 110 Monk

Post by Jimmble » 11 Jan 2019, 21:50

