Druid Tank Application

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Druid Tank Application

Post by Luca » 03 Mar 2017, 18:21

Who is your character?
My Character is called Xelxi, my Armorylink can be found here :
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/b ... lxi/simple
Iam Mainspecc Guardian Druid since basically ever I started playing

Who are you?
Hello! Iam Luca, 18 Years old and from Sweden, I love playing Videogames as its my passion, I see raiding as a true Mansport. I love playing Football outside with my buddys as i did that Amateurly outside of Raiding. Now ATM iam Studying in Germany and looking forward to find the right Guild to Raid with!

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
RG 1.

My Prior expirience is Mythic Raiding. I cleared all Raids on HC while it was out not sure if prenerf, but as I got ahead of the Curve it gotta be before. I did World 150 Raiding in EN and kinda in HFC. I needed to reroll to several Chars as iam the "B****" for everything :) I can almost play every char which made it more interesting for recent Guildleaders to let me reroll. Now I went back to my Druid which was my Main for Several Ages of Raiding! I did Play Tank / Heal / DPS in almost every Expansion as of too mutch freetime. I had specific roles in my Guilds as.. Recruitmentofficer, Raidleader and Raidcouncil helper!

Raid Role
My Current role in the Raiding Team is Maintanking and Recruitment Officer, I judge my performance pretty openly, I can take criticism as I hate crybabys after getting criticism if it helps me to improve my Playing style or playing bosses. I learn things from Talking with several Maintanks from Top Guilds like.. Sco , Dottm and aswell as with Guildleader of FatSharkYes. My Prepartation is pretty forwardly to the next bosses and the current bosses so if we should kill a boss faster then expected I dont need to say "Hey, sorry guys i need 20 mins to figure out how to tank this boss" which was pretty important for me as raidleader aswell!

Your Spec
My Mainspeccs Artefact Level is 36 atm. I sadly just rerolled which made it really hard to keep it up to date, but I have mutch freetime atm which makes it really easy for me to farm it up asap. Stat Priorities are Stamina > Versatility > Mastery > Haste > Agility > Crit. My Build Choice as Gear choice are pure survivabillity and making it easier for Healers to heal me up. After Progress I will most likely go for a bit more Offensive Talent Build etc on bosses where we feel really comfortable with.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I dont feel that comfortable to Respecc to Healer as I havent done anything in it yet, I could obviously get a OS as Balance but that would take some time to gear it up correctly to actually help in raids. I have multiple alts that I can play quiet as good as my Main but i preferly like to stay on my Druid as I feel the most comfortable with him!

I do indeed have a mic and use it when I need it. For me as a Tank its really important to call out Healing CDS (I Have a Addon which shows which CDs are up and which not) which makes it really easy for me to call CDS when I need them the most. If I need to help calling something out for the other tank or similar I can easily do that aswell, Iam not shy!

Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 65/latest/
I havent done that well as on most bosses we had bigtime fails from DPS which made it really hard for me to keep my performance up as i wanted it to be.

Your UI
I have had multiple Interfaces tried out, now I will for sure keep using Sco´s as I can only recommend it, I have everything where I need it to be and dont need to move my eyes as mutch as I needed them to move with previous interfaces.

Guild History
Iam coming from a German Guild right now as its a Guild of my best friend, I kinda felt like it would be a good offer and the guild would grow really quick and we would have steady progress, the biggest problem is people not showing up to raids and unsteady performances. I Want to join TRC because I really like the attitude of the Guildleader as he recommended me to do a Application and I feel like it would be the right offer where I could show what I have to offer!

Raid availability
I can make all raiding days easily with a close to 99% Attendance. It could appear once that Iam going out for Dinner or something but that is rarely happening on those days

I did hear from your Guildleader. I had a Forum Post about searching a Guild and he said I should do a application and hitted me up with it so I went for it as your Guild really looks like the perfect fit.

About you
Iam Luca, 18 Years old and from Sweden as above stated. I can speak 3 Languages fluently Swedish German English. My swedish accent might be hard to understand sometimes but iam trying to get it done with :) I love playing video games as I started in young ages and I consider myself as a really dedicated and good player which is always looking to improve and is able to take criticism so dont be shy to hit me up after raid and talk about the raid we just had. Thats what iam doing with most of the Tanks i played with aswell if its the next day I would hit them up check logs and see what we did good and keep doing on the next reset or what we might should be doing better to make it smoother.

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Posts: 3252
Character name: Bowick
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Re: Druid Tank Application

Post by Bowick » 05 Mar 2017, 13:28

As discussed with Xelxi, application declined.
Hope you find the right home, soon!
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai
