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Zakuun mythic down and we're on 9/13 now!

Posted: 12 Oct 2015, 00:43
by Alikh
Zakuun went down pretty fast today, trying the nuke tactic, and ofcourse doing the first seeds in enrage (almost) correctly, though we got him down before too many died. 33 wipes in total, so not too shabby!

Re: Zakuun mythic down and we're on 9/13 now!

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 15:41
by KramT

Grab your popcorn, it's movie time!

Re: Zakuun mythic down and we're on 9/13 now!

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 16:36
by Bowick

Re: Zakuun mythic down and we're on 9/13 now!

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 16:59
by Alikh
Bowick wrote:Noice!
I noice your noice!