Gary Gygax - died on Tuesday

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Gary Gygax - died on Tuesday

Post by Rhaena » 05 Mar 2008, 12:30

Gary Gygax, father of Dungeons and Dragons, failed his Saving Throw vs. Death on Tuesday aged 69.

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Post by atirian » 11 Mar 2008, 23:25

Respect to the dead and all
but im holding my self from asking If he dropped anything good :)
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Post by Jaera » 12 Mar 2008, 11:37

did you see that thread on the official wow forums about some random player who died, his guild was trying to honour his death and all the pros came on with;

link lewt plz! did he drop anything nice? and various other things

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Post by Tasha » 12 Mar 2008, 12:04

Old joke, and tbh it's not very funny if someone actually died.

"Age is not important unless you're a cheese."


Post by frozenwiller » 12 Mar 2008, 12:06

World of internetz is miraculous (and full of this kind of things). It's easy to write a post of something, get your fame of 5mins in most readed thread, get the clowns to show up and they get their fame too. Did the thing ever really happen, is totally another thing.

I know one case from DB alliance, a guildleader did a story that she's having a fatal illness (cancer if I remember right...) and she's going to die soon-ish. Of course there was lots of /care for the matter. They did agreement on a guild merge, in case the day would come up. Leader disappeared and few weeks later came in-game mail from a person who stated he is friend of the leader and is here to pass the news that leader had died two weeks ago. Guildmerge took place, as arranged.

Few months later it came to attention that the "dead" person was actually still playing on the realm and on the same account (and hadn't of course had any kind of illness). Well, at least you know now a "another way" to get rid of a guild shall you need one... :)

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Post by Jaera » 12 Mar 2008, 16:31

weird indeed. and yeah ofc not funny if someone actually died

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Post by Rhaena » 12 Mar 2008, 16:50

I can think of nothing lower than pretending to your friends that you have terminal cancer.

ps: I have cancer.

pps: Only joking.
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Post by Elhaz » 12 Mar 2008, 18:40

Rhianne wrote:I can think of nothing lower than pretending to your friends that you have terminal cancer.
I tried that once. And it was quite fun until i told to them that i was just joking... I had to buy pizzas for all of them to calm them down. :D

Ah, good times.

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