Who is your character?
[Your character name, class, specs, Armory link, and WoWProgress link. Try to log out in main-spec gear]
Grimmas, Dwarf Rogue, Outlaw, Armory
Who are you?
[Your name, age, where you're from, etc]
Ronald, 37, Netherlands, irl friends with a few members in high standing
I am an oldschooler, having done a lot of endgame raiding in TBC and WOTLK (healer/dps on Druid and dps on Rogue). Had a few additional organisational roles back then, such as DKP admin etc. Picked WoW back up with Shadowlands and joined the Raven Council on my Brewmaster Monk as offtank for a few runs. Cleared Castle Nathria occasionally on normal and helped in progressing on Heroic. Dropped out after season 1 for personal reasons.
Dragonflight has my apetite up again and I would love to join my friends in the adventure of raiding again (plus beat Xyphon on the dps charts )
Raid Role
I am currently looking for a participation role, but open to more responsibilities if needed. I prepare by watching tactics and encounters on various sources, and I try to get my gear, enchants, food etc. up to date if we are pushing.
Your Spec
Currently running Outlaw since it ranks highest in dps for the rogue specs. I haven't explored a lot with different talents since it is all new in Dragonflight, but read up on them and picked a recommended one from Icy Veins.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have a Monk with who I would like to explore the healing aspect of things, but I don't feel comfortable enough to bring him into any raid environment yet.
I use Discord all the time when playing, so no issue there. I can communicate clearly and on point, and know when to keep it muted.
Combat Logs
No logs generated for Dragonflight so far.
Your UI
See here
Guild History
In the past I played some RP with guilds like the Dwarven Rifle Squad. After that this character has been the GM for Eagles of Adamantite, a social irl friends guild. I usually followed my friends to various raiding guilds.
Raid availability
I am available practically every weekday evening from 20:00 Amsterdam time (kids and such).
My friends are members and core raid joiners for a while now (Xyphon, Teslacoill, Frostie, Yami, Magmashaper)
About you
I'll keep it short, ask me about it in game or on discord
[Raider] Grimmas, Lvl 70 Outlaw Rogue
- Siderombik
- (Grimmas)
- Hatchling
- Posts: 4
- Character name: Grimmas
- Location: Netherlands
- Jimmble
- Councillor
- recruitment
- Posts: 7476
- Character name: Jimmble
- Location: under your bed
- Specialization: recruitment
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Re: [Raider] Grimmas, Lvl 70 Outlaw Rogue
Oh noes! A raug!
- Siderombik
- (Grimmas)
- Hatchling
- Posts: 4
- Character name: Grimmas
- Location: Netherlands
Re: [Raider] Grimmas, Lvl 70 Outlaw Rogue
Re: [Raider] Grimmas, Lvl 70 Outlaw Rogue
Cleared for trial