

We're a ridiculously long-standing guild with a lively and welcoming community, on the highly-populated, well-balanced, super-friendly RP-PvP server, Defias Brotherhood EU. The Raven Council's been around since ye olde days of 2005, and we've adapted to all those fancy new expansions and players since then, so this is one guild that almost definitely won't spontaneously combust any time soon.


The guild sports two raid groups that are currently recruiting: Raid Groups Raven and Dodo!

Raid Group Raven, which raids on Thurs/Mon from 20:30 to 23:00 (server time).

They are usually looking for skilled players that want to balance progress raiding with a social experience, preferably with at least previous heroic experience. We aim to clear Heroic every tier and (if there's enough interest) dip our toes into Mythic a little before the tier after that.

The raid group offers a friendly, dedicated home for players who lack the time for three-night-a-week raiding.

If you are interested contact Fahranya for more info!

Raid Group Dodo is a more casual raid group for those that aren't necessarily that interested in pushing progress but wish to have a fun and chill raid experience. We clear normal, might have a go at heroic, but we may throw some raid achievements in there as well. Decently geared alts are welcome, or maybe you want to try a different role on your main. For more information, reach out to Lampris or Vaelyn. Dodo raids are streamed live on Twitch on Fridays, 20:00 - 23:00 CET (server time), check it out here: or poke Lampris or Vaelyn ingame for more info


We also hold big welcoming bear huggy arms out to social applicants - we rely on you guys to make the guild a generally active and exciting place to be! And you can still join us for various fun raids. ;)

Check out our recruitment sections or poke a guild officer ingame for more info!

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  • News

TRC Dueling Invitational

A few months has passed since the launch of the new expansion, Shadowlands. The guild has been very active enjoying all kinds of content and our members have gotten stronger as the expansion has progressed.

To celebrate the efforts of every individual member, the guild invited all members to a dueling competition titled TRC Dueling Invitational, the "RDI"! The tournament was held on the evening 26th of February in the Valley of Kings in Loch Modan.

Twenty members fought off in the tournament, and a few more chose to participate by spectating.




The group stages began. In group A we saw Verania go through with a clean swipe and three victories. Group B was forced to extra matches as Pylori, Takuin and Tsyrius all won two games each, where Takuin drew the longest straw. Group C saw Lanabee go through with a clean swipe and three victories. Group D forced a deciding rematch between Cecil and Taubek, and Taubek came out on top to reach the finals. Group E was a tough one, but after extra matches between Frostie, Arahjin and Aaraleth, the last mentioned headed to the finals.

Few pictures from the Group Stage:





With the group stage concluded, Verania, Takuin, Taubek, Lanabee and Arahjin fought off to determine the semifinals. Lanabee fought well in the matchups, but didn't manage to go further in the competition.


Exciting semifinals awaited next.

Takuin and Arahjin fought off in the first intense semifinal, where the druid emptied it's tank but was unable to beat the paladin. Takuins victory took him to the grand final.

Taubek and Verania fought off just as intensely. A great game saw the two experienced Battleground players make use of most of their classes abilities, and Verania won this evening making him the second finalist.

Before the grand final, Taubek beat Arahjin to secure 3rd place in the tournament. The grand final was next. Out of the 20 who started the tournament only two remained. With over 25 spectators the grand final commenced between Verania and Takuin. With high stakes the combatans fought of valiantly. Pressure was sure there, as Takuin managed to catch the rogue through stealth a few times. However, Verania was well prepared to recover from mistakes and turned the game around late and managed to beat Takuin.

The grand final of The Raven Council's Dueling Invitational saw the guilds new Champion emerge, and all hailed Verania as the winner of the tournament.


Thanks to all guild members who participated in the evenings event.

Full album of screenshots can be found here:


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Blizzconline party

As covid has kept sweeping across the globe, the annual Blizzcon festival was changed to an online streaming event called Blizzconline. Blizzard fans all over the world tuned in on Friday the 19th of February 2021 to watch what Blizzard had in store for the future.

Members of The Raven Council, gathered up and Thunderbrew Distillery in Kharanos, to enjoy the opening ceremony and the first few panels.

TBC: Classic was announced! As was the upcoming patch 9.1 for the current expansion Shadowlands, titled Chains of Domination. Nothing has been planned for TBC: Classic as of yet. However both our current Shadowlands Raid Groups (Phoenix & Raven) are looking forward for new adventures with each other 8)

News and cinematics were enjoyed and discussed, and some proper headbanging when Metallica hit the stage :)

Here's a few pics from the spontanious Blizzconline party:







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EXTRA EXTRA Phoenix Flames Devour Denathrius HC


The Raven CouncilRG Phoenix has with collaboration with Mental Asylum killed Sire Denathrius on Heroic. We are again one step closer to ridding Shadowlands of its enemies!

Twelve members of RG Phoenix combined with 7 from Mental Asylum have faced the danger and gotten their achi! Still loads of work, but one step at a time till we reach the tippy top of the mountain!

Great work guys! #ProudToBeAPhoenix

You can see the full log here.

We also have an awesome kill vid thanks to Valynka and Frostie!

Members on the kill





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Raiding in Shadowlands is underway

'Twas the weekend before christmas...

Saturday the 19th of December Raid Group Phoenix cleared Castle Nathria normal mode. The following evening on Sunday the 20th of December Raid Group Raven cleared the raid in normal mode.

The final boss Sire Denathrius and his minions awaits once more, as both raid groups now set their eyes on Castle Nathria in Heroic difficulty.

Raid Group Raven


Raid Group Phoenix


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The great finale of the 15th anniversary weekend

The day everyone had been waiting for finally arrived. After two days of celebration, the guild gathered for the third and final day of The Raven Council's 15th anniversary celebration. It was on the 26th of October 2005 the guild was created. Many years have passed and many stories of our fellowship to be shared.

All members were summoned to gather in Lakeshire for the nights event, the Transmog Competition! But before the competition began, members of the guild shared stories and fond memories of the guild and the personal value when it comes to be part of our great community.

Picture of Jimmble welcoming the guildmembers to the evenings celebration.


For the competition, the theme was the new expansion "Shadowlands", as new adventures awaits everyone in the upcoming expansion. Judges of the competition were Jimmble, Jingles and Krekandus, who thouroughly inspected every contestant, as the contestants presented their transmog of the evening with a vocal presentation of the idea behind their design.

Picture of the members listening to instructions for the competition


The participants lined up, and A LOT of great contestants came through, well everyone were lovely in their own way, and lots of laughter came from the vocal presentations! The Judges had to decide their favorites, and three players came out as shared winners, Neinwald, Faunial and Zíbby!




Group photo of the guild after climbing the roof of the inn in Lakeshire. During this part the councillor group promoted Hatchlings to Ravens, and Krekandus to Dark Raven for all his contributions to the guild. By this point the Councillor group announced their secret gift to everyone's favorite gnome Jimmble! A small figurine of his character that will be shipped to his home. We love you Jimmble <3 !


The Raven Council's 15th anniversary celebration had officially come to an end. Members of the guild lingered into the small hours in Lakeshire, sharing stories over brew and food. Thanks to everyone who participated and everyone who makes this community we call The Raven Council, so special and dare to us.


Full album:

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  • Raidgroup Recruitment
Raider open!

Raid Group Raven is looking for

1) Resto Druid

2) one more healer

3) ranged dps

(But we are always interested in more friendly players of all classes and specs.)



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