

We're a ridiculously long-standing guild with a lively and welcoming community, on the highly-populated, well-balanced, super-friendly RP-PvP server, Defias Brotherhood EU. The Raven Council's been around since ye olde days of 2005, and we've adapted to all those fancy new expansions and players since then, so this is one guild that almost definitely won't spontaneously combust any time soon.


The guild sports two raid groups that are currently recruiting: Raid Groups Raven and Dodo!

Raid Group Raven, which raids on Thurs/Mon from 20:30 to 23:00 (server time).

They are usually looking for skilled players that want to balance progress raiding with a social experience, preferably with at least previous heroic experience. We aim to clear Heroic every tier and (if there's enough interest) dip our toes into Mythic a little before the tier after that.

The raid group offers a friendly, dedicated home for players who lack the time for three-night-a-week raiding.

If you are interested contact Fahranya for more info!

Raid Group Dodo is a more casual raid group for those that aren't necessarily that interested in pushing progress but wish to have a fun and chill raid experience. We clear normal, might have a go at heroic, but we may throw some raid achievements in there as well. Decently geared alts are welcome, or maybe you want to try a different role on your main. For more information, reach out to Lampris or Vaelyn. Dodo raids are streamed live on Twitch on Fridays, 20:00 - 23:00 CET (server time), check it out here: or poke Lampris or Vaelyn ingame for more info


We also hold big welcoming bear huggy arms out to social applicants - we rely on you guys to make the guild a generally active and exciting place to be! And you can still join us for various fun raids. ;)

Check out our recruitment sections or poke a guild officer ingame for more info!

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  • News

Jadefire Masters down.

The brave raiders of the Raven Council (and Jimmble) have found our way to mythic Dazar'alor. And are happy to report our first kill of the tier!


(No, of course the paladin didn't count as a real boss!)

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The Hivemind Hunt!

On the Saturday of March 2nd 15 members of The Raven Council gathered on Ildramir's call to go hunt a secret mount.

Earlier during the week many of the guild members had gathered the Monocles needed for the event through different puzzles around Azeroth.

One of the biggest puzzles began when we had to sort out how to split groups in order to make best use of our Monocles to enter the dungeon Court of Starts in a group to continue the puzzle.

After lots of Cat petting, weird countdowns, numeral discussions, platform jumping and dungeon resetting, the secrets were revealed and the were puzzles solved. We came out successful with new brainy Hivemind mounts for everyone!




A big thanks goes out to everyone involved! Especially to Ildramir for coming up with the event, everyone who gathered up Monocles and to the ones who took on the roles to lead the groups :)

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Guild anniversary and Hollow's End event!

A tad bit late since we had to fabricate the pictures taken, we send some news regarding the Guild Event that took place a few weeks ago.

The event started out in Duskwood with a lore-quiz that took the participating ravens across the world to showcase their knowledge in Warcraft lore.


The journey continued...




After an adventure everyone gathered at Greymane's Manor. Some of the older Ravens knew there and then that the event conicided with the guilds 13th anniversary and the party began for real as the dwarven kegs were put forward.


Agmand (formerly Aslesa) and Luthia came in with full points from the quiz! After a head to head battle in a speed quiz Agmand drew the longest straw and came out the winner.

In the costume contest that followed Snowclaw were voted winner by a unanimous jury.

Mounts and pets were rewarded to winners and the rest enjoyed the party!

For more pictures check out this link album !


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Heroic Ghuun slain!


Good job with killing the ugly slug, Raiders! HC Ghuun dead on our first real night of trying to down him.

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Sun Darter Hatchling hunt!

It's time for the guild to do another great adventure.

So, you might wonder, what the grand quest is this time. Slaying some horrible undead creature, banishing Jimmble back to the nether?

No, no, no. It's so much more peaceful than that. We're going on a hunt. A hunt for an infamous pet that you might not have heard of. ... -in-object

We'll have to walk through fire, water, shadow and worse to get a hold of this badboi.
That's why we'll need to be well prepared for the quest, so none of us will get hunt in the process.

The officers has spent months, maybe even years trying to figure out what we'll need to collect before setting out on this adventure. And it's pretty simple, all you'll have to collect yourself is:
The rest of the secret ingredients will be provided by the guild.

The event will take place Sunday the 17th of June at 20:00

We'll meet at the foot of the world tree atop Mount Hyjal.

So if you wish to join, signup on phpRaider!
If you won't be able to attend, you can always poke Cellyca and Jimmble to get help with the materials

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  • Raidgroup Recruitment
Raider open!

Raid Group Raven is looking for

1) Resto Druid

2) one more healer

3) ranged dps

(But we are always interested in more friendly players of all classes and specs.)



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