

We're a ridiculously long-standing guild with a lively and welcoming community, on the highly-populated, well-balanced, super-friendly RP-PvP server, Defias Brotherhood EU. The Raven Council's been around since ye olde days of 2005, and we've adapted to all those fancy new expansions and players since then, so this is one guild that almost definitely won't spontaneously combust any time soon.


The guild sports two raid groups that are currently recruiting: Raid Groups Raven and Dodo!

Raid Group Raven, which raids on Thurs/Mon from 20:30 to 23:00 (server time).

They are usually looking for skilled players that want to balance progress raiding with a social experience, preferably with at least previous heroic experience. We aim to clear Heroic every tier and (if there's enough interest) dip our toes into Mythic a little before the tier after that.

The raid group offers a friendly, dedicated home for players who lack the time for three-night-a-week raiding.

If you are interested contact Fahranya for more info!

Raid Group Dodo is a more casual raid group for those that aren't necessarily that interested in pushing progress but wish to have a fun and chill raid experience. We clear normal, might have a go at heroic, but we may throw some raid achievements in there as well. Decently geared alts are welcome, or maybe you want to try a different role on your main. For more information, reach out to Lampris or Vaelyn. Dodo raids are streamed live on Twitch on Fridays, 20:00 - 23:00 CET (server time), check it out here: or poke Lampris or Vaelyn ingame for more info


We also hold big welcoming bear huggy arms out to social applicants - we rely on you guys to make the guild a generally active and exciting place to be! And you can still join us for various fun raids. ;)

Check out our recruitment sections or poke a guild officer ingame for more info!

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  • News

Second evening of 15th anniversary celebrations

The night arrived where the guild would come to crown it's strongest Champion in the great Dueling Tournament of The Raven Councils 15th anniversary celebration.

Members of the guild gathered atop the Terrace of the Makers in Storm Peaks, where the tournament was held. After the brackets were announced Jingles went through the rules of the tournament in which all participants agreed.

The group stage battled out intensely and Aedelwulf, Neinwald, Lamorak and Manatea drew longest to go through to the semifinals.

Aedelwulf, who showed great skills with his daggers in the group stage, won the first semifinal against Neinwald, with a move that incapacitated Neinwalds ace up his sleeve, his army of the dead. In the second semifinal, Manatea fell short to Lamorak who proved to be quite versatile wielding powers of the light.

The final was a best of three between Aedelwulf and Lamorak. Aedelwulf opened strong, winning the first battle. But Lamorak was not ready to give up just yet, and came back strong with a win leading the final into a defining Game 3! Hearts where beating among the spectators as well as the finalists, in a duel where Lamorak came out the winner after a thrilling battle.

Lamorak was therefor crowned Champion of the Dueling Tournament!







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The 15th anniversary celebrations has begun!


The Raven Council's 15th anniversary began with a night "full of wits" as all members where invited to Quiz Night.

The time was set but a riddle had the contestants figure out the destination where the event was held.

Mostly all figured out that the riddle led the way to the Inn under Aerie Peak in The Hinterlands, home of the Wildhammer Dwarfs. Luckily summons were there to help out one or two gnomes who couldn't find the way.

Loremaster Krekandus asked lore questions which varied in difficulty in three main categories: Death / Famous People / Battle for Azeroth.

The members that participated were very active and showed a wide range of lore knowledge. The three that came out on top was:

1st - Skyps 140 points

2nd - Coldwood 132 points

3rd Vallithira 130 points.

Awards were handed to the top three, while all participants enjoyed a nice evening that marked the start of the three-day anniversary celebration.

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The Raven Council's 15th Anniversary Event


We are celebrating the guilds 15th anniversary with a line of events.

More information on the forums and Discord.

/The Councillors

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Doggo down!

With probably half a year left until Shadowlands the team is still feeling very much "end of expansion-fatigue" and all that that entails, slowing our progress down somewhat. But last night we did get to actually focus on Shad'har and got the kill. (Poor doggie. He was such a good boy. Shame we had to put him down. :cry: )

Sadly SOMEONE forgot to snap a picture of the victorious raid group. But as long as we can scrape the 20 people together again a picture will be added later. :mrgreen:

On to Hivemind!

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Quiz-Race 2020

On the evening of May 2nd the guild gathered in Ironforge for the long awaited social event Quiz Race 2020, in a game where the guild members were sent between different locations of the world to show off their best Lore-knowledge.

Each of the locations had different restrictions on what was allowed when moving there, but since not everyone know where Fenris Isle or Clan Watch is located, or where the Game Master would be hiding, it ended up being a great competition.

In each location the participants were given a lore question which they did their best to answer, though some of the guild members have a quite wider imagination than the story writers themselves. After the race concluded on the Isle of Giants, awards were given to the top 3:

Winner: Rhaella

Second: Dohgar

Third: Krekandus

Bonus transmog competition split decision winners: Lamorak, Carbulo, Sherelia

Thanks everyone for an awesome evening and here comes a few screenshots Ildramir took of the participants during the race while keeping sure they weren't cheating 8)


The Race is off! From Ironforge to Thelsamar!


Manatea in the lead.


"You can follow the road, or take shortcuts if you dare to".


After Thelsamar the players had to find an old Death Knight walking around Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forest.


Very even between Carbulo and Lamorak on the way to Temple of Karabor.


Lamorak snatched a second place on this route as Carbulo went searching for the game master in the gardens.


Next they were sent to find an elf over at Grizzlemaw. Quite a huge place and it started getting stressful down the hole.


Rhaella came out on top, by finding the elf on top of the broken tree in Grizzlemaw.


Next was the Westfall Lighthouse. Manatea and Rhaella still getting good scores between each location.


The Game master sure had a hard time explaining the eagerly waiting racers to stay on land before getting instructions on where to go next.


Carbulo sending out a wave to all the fans cheering for him around the world.


Trok finally had a route where he could make good use of his Demon Hunter wings and managed to come in 2nd on the way to Nesingwary Expedition in Stranglethorn Vale.


The second to last location was over in old Nagrand, but things were getting tricky at the end as not a whole lot of people remembered where Clan Watch was located. But pretty much everyone knew the answer to the lore question "Which Orc Clans is Nagrand home to?".


After reaching the goal destination on Isle of Giants, the participants lined up for the transmog competition. The evenings theme were "Adventurer" Ildramir, Jimmble and Jingles are inspecting the participants.


Top three are showing off their new mount rewards in this group shot.

Thanks for an awesome evening everyone. Post more of your own screenshots in the comments below :)

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  • Raidgroup Recruitment
Raider open!

Raid Group Raven is looking for

1) Resto Druid

2) one more healer

3) ranged dps

(But we are always interested in more friendly players of all classes and specs.)



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